We so delighted & privileged to join BRDC Members at the BRDC Clubhouse Forecourt for a Private Viewing. Don’t miss out now …
Delighted to meet with old friends & new at this fabulous 3 day event.
Changeable weather kept us on our toes but hardly interfered … The Clubhouse boys & girls in top form - we cannot thank them enough for the warmth of their hospitality and the wonderful BRDC Clubhouse itself looked as fabulous as ever.
Reactions to the N1a were dramatically positive despite it requiring a certain reassessing away from our usual Waitrose-shopping mode. We imagine those reassessments will change again when they get the crackle of the mighty V8 yet see the number plates attached on it’s disappearing trip up the road. The definition of ‘fun’ - think Biker!
We were also delighted to receive some close interest from a few competitor racers from the weekend’s sporting activities which appeared to cover a multitude of classes. From historic F1s to the massed ranks for F Junior protagonists, closed GTs to open sports racers, the rain made no exception …
But the views in one aspect were unanimous - when can I have a go … please?
Made it! John J & Steve the N …