Drive to the track …… and drive home
A recent video of the N1A with a drive through the countryside
Turn up the volume !
Nichols N1a - Shakedown runs begin …
Thursday 7th September 2023
Silverstone Grand Prix circuit - BRDC Members Track Day
We shook down our N1a last week at BRDC Silverstone GP in 32 deg C.
About 40 laps. Really wonderful but lots of refining to do. Such fun.
Huge huge performance neverending acceleration from the Langford Chevrolet.
Chassis perfectly loyal & supportive ! So far ... start to ask real questions soon!
Now we must make it road-usable - a different story!
We’re delighted to include a selection of videos featuring Steve Nichols, Nichols Cars and the N1A
Nichols own videos
Here is a video showing off the early prototype N1A thrashing through the Hampshire countryside ……. this car was circa 520bhp and about 1,150kg.
Peter Windsor is an old contact of Steve Nichols and CEO John Minett. A former Williams Team Manager, his was the first video to feature the N1A project. Subsequently he introduced a F3 protégé, Bart Horsten, to Nichols Cars, with Bart getting behind the wheel of the N1A prototype and discussing the racing scene, past and present, with his hero, Steve Nichols.
Petrol Ped was invited to talk with Steve and John to get an insight into the design inspiration behind the Nichols N1A.